The Bronze Age

The following pages are added here from the warlord games website. Recently there was a series of excellent articles posted by noted Bronze Age historian Nigel Stillman, which are being added to on a regular basis. Much of what Nigel has posted is accepted wisdom but interpretations of some aspects of the period may never be known or can be interpreted in other ways. Regardless, his discussion gives a very nice war gamers focus on the period and thus is of immense value to the Bronze Age gamer and amateur historian. Nigel wrote the WRG book on the Armies of the Near East and it is a title most definitely worth picking up (see the reading section for details)…his contributions are to the benefit of us all.

The Warlord site has numerous other related articles on the Bronze age and is a useful place to keep abreast of the Bronze Age releases by Warlord Games, who picked up the superb 28mm Cutting Edge Miniatures range and continue to expand on it.

It’s all placed here so it doesn’t get lost in the internet ether with the passage of time as these things often do!…nice one Warlord.